New Products
Updated on : 2024-06-23 16:46:50

Our website has been enriched with new products from our subsidiaries. Following the updated company policy, we centralized all of our products under our main brand name ( CDE Open Source Solutions LTD) .

  ASAT Platform
Updated on : 2024-04-28 08:26:52

Our Autonomous Security Awareness Training Platform (ASAT-P) added to our webstore.

  Update to Xchange
Updated on : 2024-04-05 16:42:43

Xchange update to version 2.3-1 with New features  and improved security.

  New Products
Updated on : 2024-06-23 16:46:50

Our website has been enriched with new products from our subsidiaries. Following the updated company policy, we centralized all of our products under our main brand name ( CDE Open Source Solutions LTD) .

  ASAT Platform
Updated on : 2024-04-28 08:26:52

Our Autonomous Security Awareness Training Platform (ASAT-P) added to our webstore.

  Update to Xchange
Updated on : 2024-04-05 16:42:43

Xchange update to version 2.3-1 with New features  and improved security.